Friday, October 14, 2011

Give Thanks

   I am thankful for a trip to the pumpkin patch with my family, a tractor ride, picking pumpkins, a picnic lunch, playing with friends, a trip to the grocery store, watching the kids play outside, catch up on my newest favorite t.v.  show "The  Big Bang Theory", a wonderful dinner all cooked by my hubs, 2 movies with the family and finally watching all my sweet babies fall asleep. I keep telling myself to enjoy these moments, they are fleeting.  In one month my oldest child, my 1st daughter, will be 9. It's really hard to believe that 9 years can go by so fast. Remember to be thankful for your children all the time, especially when they are little. 

'Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.'
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Now go give your babies a kiss, even the hubs and say a little prayer of thanks. 


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